Townsquare Cares Brightens Day Of Casper Military Family [VIDEO]
Leading up to Veteran's Day in November, we teamed up with Townsquare Cares to solicit nominations and donations from our community with the idea that from the support we could brighten the holidays for one of our active duty military families. Out of the number of nominations we received, this letter from Tracy Lake stood out.
I would like to nominate my husband and in it for life friend, my hero! The man I'm married to is not only my hero but our 6 year old adopted daughters biggest hero too! He sacrifices not only with his service to this wonderful Nation but daily being away from his family so that we can live our dream owning our first home a small farm on the outskirts of town, giving our daughter the most amazing life filled with horses, chickens, turkeys, ducks, guineas, peacocks, dogs and cats etc but also a pony of her very own, a safe place where through working the land, tending the animals and being close to the fantastic school she attends her little heart can heal and she can know she is home and has family surrounding her in love and dedication forever!!! My husband even though very far from home is an active part of our daily family life whenever he is in port calling in when she gets home from school to get the update from her on her days activities and at night to do bedtime prayers. Sending emails and writing letters to eachother when he can not call and us sending monthly care packages as often as possible. He can not come home often, maybe but once a year at most, so we would use the $500 to bring him home for Christmas and have a wonderful 1st Christmas in our brand new home together as a family!!!
Tracy Lake
After reading the letter we knew we had to help this family. With $500 in hand we went out to find Tracy and see if we could help. We found her at home and had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with Tracy and if all goes well with the Navy, Tracy will have her husband home for the holidays thanks to the support of our Wyoming communities.
Thanks to all for the help and please remember our families with active duty personnel this holiday season as they are the ones making the sacrifice for our freedoms.