Rock 96.7 wake up guru Tee Roy recently got himself into hot water when he posted his thoughts in regard to how his single friends were complimenting him on having found a good woman.

Admittedly, Tee Roy also mentioned how he admired his single friends and how he lived vicariously through their escapades.

But here's where Tee Roy not only approached the presibus of that dark abyss that all men in relationships should avoid, if they want to be happy and remain in that relationship. But our very own Tee Roy literally leapt off the edge into that darkness below for your entertainment.

"There are a few drawbacks", Tee Roy wrote of being in a long term relationship. "Below is the one major challenges every man who's been married for any length of time can relate to." he added, with his free fall from grace entering terminal velocity.

Then course, Tee Roy added - "you probably shouldn't show your woman the following photos" - the advice he himself probably should of adhered to.  We'll let the photo's elaborate for you.

Tee Roy's Definition of Girlfriend

Tee Roy wrote, "Notice how the pen fits snugly in the cap. Almost like it was made for it"...

Girlfriend - Tee Roy Rock 96.7
Girlfriend - Tee Roy Rock 96.7


Tee Roy's Definition of Wife

He added, "Notice how...well, you get the idea"...

Wife - Tee Roy Rock 96.7
Wife - Tee Roy Rock 96.7

But here's what Tee Roy forgot to mention when you make derogatory comments like this towards women - especially your own...

Former Wife with New Boyfriend

Nuff said...

Wife and New Boyfriend - Rock 96.7
Wife and New Boyfriend - Rock 96.7

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