Silversun Pickups

This Week’s Best Tweets: Flea’s Fame Rant, Silversun Pickups’ Wedding Gig + More
This Week’s Best Tweets: Flea’s Fame Rant, Silversun Pickups’ Wedding Gig + More
This Week’s Best Tweets: Flea’s Fame Rant, Silversun Pickups’ Wedding Gig + More
Usually we get sick of rock stars complaining about celebrity, but we’ll let Flea get away with it this time — and even give the Red Hot Chili Pepper one of this week’s best tweets. He does make a good point. So does Neko Case, a habitual Twitterer who confronts another modern dilemma with her latest tweet. And Silversun Pickups singer Brian Aubert considers sharing his talent at a hotel wedding —
New Silversun Pickups Album ‘Neck of the Woods’ Now Streaming
New Silversun Pickups Album ‘Neck of the Woods’ Now Streaming
New Silversun Pickups Album ‘Neck of the Woods’ Now Streaming
Three years have passed since Silversun Pickups released their sophomore album ‘Swoon.’ It was the successful follow-up to their critically-acclaimed debut, 2006′s ‘Carnavas.’ The Los Angeles, Calif. shoegazers seem to be following the same album cycle as they will release their third record ‘Neck of the Woods’ next week. Stream the entire album now before it hits stores.