Fans of famed film director Quentin Tarantino are in a for a treat this month. The Hateful Eight, which follows a bounty hunter attempting to transport a prisoner across Wyoming in the late 1800's, is set to open in limited release on Christmas Day...
Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction was groundbreaking in many ways, particularly in the way its characters talked. The film uses the F-word 265 times, which in 1994 was second only to Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas, which had 300. In the years since Pulp Fiction hit theaters, the usage of the word spiked and now Pulp Fiction is not even listed among the Top 25. That’s just one of the surprising facts packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, so grab a Royale With Cheese and get to know more about Pulp Fiction!
Did you know 'Kill Bill Vol. 1' has the least amount of F-bombs of any Quentin Tarantino movie? And, that it was the first of Tarantino's movies to have less than 100 "f---s"? This is just one of the juicy bits of information packed into the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which focuses on Quentin Tarantino's martial arts revenge epic 'Kill Bill'.
Fans of Quentin Tarantino were dealt a tough blow yesterday, as the director announced he was canceling his upcoming film, 'The Hateful Eight,' after the script leaked. We can't say we can make up for a lost Tarantino project, but we do have something that Tarantino fans will enjoy. A rare 8-minute video of Quentin Tarantino and Steve Buscemi in 1991 rehearsing for 'Reservoir Dogs' has popped up o
Violence in pop culture and its relation to real-life violence and 'Django Unchained': these are white hot controversies streaming through the public discourse right now. And they've just rammed into each other in captivating fashion in an interview between 'Django' writer-director Quentin Tarantino and British journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy. This is must-see TV, folks.
We genuinely thought that if every pop culture reference ever made in a Quentin Tarantino film was stuck into one video, it would be a lot longer than this. It seems like quite an undertaking. The folks at College Humor were also good enough to arrange them all in chronological order, showcasing the scope of his knowledge, and proving that Tarantino would probably kill at Trivial Pursuit. Also, it
Few directors working today offer more surprises per film than Quentin Tarantino, which is why it pays to go into his films knowing as little as possible before hand. But most of Tarantino's surprises are seasoned with a characteristically impressive nerve, which allows him to get away with things most filmmakers might shy away from. Her...
How would you like to see Quentin Tarantino direct a superhero movie? Before you pass out do to overload of geek whimsy, we'll have to quickly inform you that it's not happening, at least, not at the moment. But QT came surprisingly close to making one almost twenty years ago. Read what the director has to say about it after the break.
We've got a little while to wait until we can all bask in Quentin Tarantino's latest ode to badass cinema, 'Django Unchained', but today you can get closer to the film by listening to the entire soundtrack. And you can do that right here...for free!