
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Judge Judy Puts Mother of Five In Her Place [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Judge Judy Puts Mother of Five In Her Place [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Judge Judy Puts Mother of Five In Her Place [Video]
Recently on "Judge Judy," two women appeared before the judge to debate whether or not $2,000 exchanged hands between them was a loan or a gift. For some reference, the woman claiming the money was a gift is an unemployed mother of five children. The woman claiming it was a loan is an employed mother of two.
Lady Drives on Sidewalk to Avoid Stopping for School Bus — Justice Served Immediately [VIDEO]
Lady Drives on Sidewalk to Avoid Stopping for School Bus — Justice Served Immediately [VIDEO]
Lady Drives on Sidewalk to Avoid Stopping for School Bus — Justice Served Immediately [VIDEO]
I have a little one who rides the school bus every day. I understand that stopping for a school bus might not be the most convenient thing in your day, but I thank you for following the rules for the sake of safety. This woman, however, didn't have time for anything, so she went up on the sidewalk. Little did she know what was waiting for her on the other side.