Father's Day

5 Manly Cocktail Recipes for Father’s Day
5 Manly Cocktail Recipes for Father’s Day
5 Manly Cocktail Recipes for Father’s Day
Father's Day is coming up. Which means it's time to put down that sixer of Bartles & Jaymes and learn how to make Dad a drink he'll really like -- a cocktail that harkens back to the days when men were men, fathers knew best and getting ripped at lunch actually meant something. Here are a few suggestions:
5 Funniest Father’s Day Cards on the Web
5 Funniest Father’s Day Cards on the Web
5 Funniest Father’s Day Cards on the Web
Ties and golf clubs are dandy for Father's Day, but to dads with a sharp sense of humor, it's the card that counts. We trolled the internet to find the funniest cards out there to purchase, print and even send digitally (no stamps required!).