Like I have said in the past, I am not an aggressive driver. But, when I see people doing things like speeding in residential areas or apartment complex parking lots it really does grind my gears!
Whilst driving to grab lunch downtown, I was almost hit, not once, not twice, but three times. Why is road politeness going out the window in Oil City as of late?
After collecting dozens of votes over the last month, we have a clear winner when it comes to our poll question asking "which Wyoming county has the WORST drivers?"
Wyoming drivers are generally better and also seem more equipped for handling the elements. That being said, just like anywhere else, we have our share of bad habits. Here's a tentative top 5 list of habits we should all stop doing right now!
The insurance site, QuoteWizard, used two million data points to come up with the best and worst driving states. For worst, Wyoming isn’t too bad, at #23. Colorado is the 8th worst (grin).
We asked a few days ago, "what are the worst type of drivers in Casper?" This got A LOT of response! Over 300 total votes and many Facebook responses later, here are the results...
1. The distracted driver 20.66%
2. The drive way too slow driver 15.13%