
Deaf Women Hears Herself For First Time [VIDEO]
Deaf Women Hears Herself For First Time [VIDEO]
Deaf Women Hears Herself For First Time [VIDEO]
OK so earlier I found a video about a deaf new born who heard his mom's voice for the first time and that was cool. Now, check out this video. Here's a deaf, 29 year-old women who just received a hearing implant and can now hear. Her reaction rocks too...
Deaf Man Lies About Incident
Deaf Man Lies About Incident
Deaf Man Lies About Incident
A 24-year-old in Maryland reported to police earlier last month that a man broke the windshield of his car, but he failed to mention the fact that he had been trying to run over the man at the time! Andrew H. Stcyr is deaf, so he used an interpreter to contact police and tell them what happened. He only signed the part about the smashed window – not about the road rage incident that preceded