chuck norris

Celebrate Chuck Norris’ 75th Birthday With This Video of Him Kicking Everything
Celebrate Chuck Norris’ 75th Birthday With This Video of Him Kicking Everything
Celebrate Chuck Norris’ 75th Birthday With This Video of Him Kicking Everything
Long before he was an internet meme, Chuck Norris was a genuinely skilled martial artist whose ass-kicking abilities were put on display in dozens of action movies. Running the gamut from massively entertaining (The Delta Force) to totally baffling (The Octagon), Norris’ films all have one thing in common: each one sees him kicking a whole bunch of people. So, in honor of the man’s 75th birthday, let’s all take a moment to enjoy a video supercut of Norris kicking people and things.
Chuck Norris Confuses Google
Chuck Norris Confuses Google
Chuck Norris Confuses Google
Chuck Norris may very well be the toughest man on the planet. And that's not just because  his character in Expendables 2 was awesome, although awesome is an understatement. Chuck has now exhibited the ability to alter the world wide web...
Chuck Norris Punch Is the GIF That Keeps on Giving
Chuck Norris Punch Is the GIF That Keeps on Giving
Chuck Norris Punch Is the GIF That Keeps on Giving
If animated GIFs are the cherry on top of our daily internet sundae, Chuck Norris is the fudge. These cherries and fudge are unrelated to the actual cherries and fudge that top our real daily sundaes which we like to enjoy in our large conference room covered ceiling to floor in plastic tarps. Caramel can get messy! Back to animated GIFs, they often say the things people just can’t like: “obese pe