
Are Those Giant Candy Bars Legit?
Are Those Giant Candy Bars Legit?
Are Those Giant Candy Bars Legit?
This time of year you see more candy and snacks than ever before. I noticed some over-sized candy bars the other day. They had a huge Snickers, giant Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, five pound Hershey bars and these frisbee-sized York Peppermint Patties...
Tee Roy's Question
Tee Roy's Question
Tee Roy's Question
When I was a kid, I had a great trick-or-treating scam. I would walk around with 3 or 4 different masks shoved down my coat, and when I found a house that gave out full sized candy bars or money, I would go around the side of the house, switch masks, then hit them up again...
Fargo Woman to Give Letters in Lieu of Candy to Obese Trick-Or-Treaters
Fargo Woman to Give Letters in Lieu of Candy to Obese Trick-Or-Treaters
Fargo Woman to Give Letters in Lieu of Candy to Obese Trick-Or-Treaters
This year, some children in Fargo, North Dakota may get a bigger trick than treat when hitting the streets for trick-or-treating. That's because a woman in the city has decided to take a stand against childhood obesity, which on its face it's a noble effort. However, the method in which she is doing it is turning heads.
10 Variations of Popular Candies You Probably Missed
10 Variations of Popular Candies You Probably Missed
10 Variations of Popular Candies You Probably Missed
People love candy: The average American spends $84 on and consumes about 23.9 pounds of the sweet stuff each year. With all that money and attention, you'd think it would be hard for a candy product to fail. Not true. Many candy products come and go without much notice. Here are 10 variations of popular candies that many people don't realize ever existed.

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