With Halloween just around the corner, women are raiding the stores for any sexy Halloween costumes they can find, and men are trying their hardest to come up with ideas that will allow them to touch the ladies' goodies.

If, by chance, you manage to score on All Hallows Eve, here are 5 "festive" sex positions to try out on this holiday of holidays. Just try to avoid catching your sticks on fire when rubbing them together...

(note: I can't draw, so everything is done in stick-figure form. I'm sure Charles Schultz is rolling over in his grave...)

1.) The Trick-For-A-Treat

Basically, you trade a goodie for a goodie. Great for the females who claim "you never give me anything!

Halloween Sex - Tee Roy
Halloween Sex - Tee Roy

2.) The Ghost

You're in, out, and she never even knew you were there. I, unfortunately, have this kind of sex year round...

The Ghost - Tee Roy
The Ghost - Tee Roy

3.) The Chocolate Bar

Like "Two Chicks, One Cup"? This is for the more..."freaky" of you who want to take it to the next level. *WARNING* Don't eat the chocolate bar!

The Chocolate Bar - Tee Roy
The Chocolate Bar - Tee Roy

4.)The 666-9

Into the group thing? Invite some guys and ghouls over for some "pumpkin" tasting, and let the party begin!

The 666-9 - Tee Roy

5.) The Jack-O-Lantern

Two in the pie, one in the eye. Great for that gal who's dressed as a pirate!

The Jack-O-Lantern - Tee Roy
The Jack-O-Lantern - Tee Roy


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