Since high-quality, legit Root Beer is made through a fermentation process almost identical to the one used to brew regular beer, we've always been a little miffed that it doesn't actually contain any alcohol. Our booze motto is: "if it could, it should," even though we've found exceptions -- "Gin Milk" turned out to be pretty disgusting, who knew? Thanks to Sprecher Brew though, all of that is about to change.

The Wisconsin-based micro-brewery,who already brews a delicious sarsaparilla, has announced their plan to market an alcoholic version of our old-timey childhood favorite, and our innocent root beer floats will never be the same again. They will now be way more awesome. Sprecher kept the name pretty simple: Hard Root Beer. The fermented beverage will have 5% ABV and combine the taste of their regular root beer with some bourbon and oak flavors. You know, for the sophisticated palate.

Sprecher says Hard Root Beer will be available later this week in test markets in the Badger State. This limited roll-out will, according Sprecher president Jeff Hamilton, allow the company to tweak the formula if necessary before large-scale production.

The root beer will be packaged in 12-ounce bottles and four packs will go for a suggested retail price of $5. We're gonna need a bigger freezer for all of the vanilla ice cream we're planning on keeping around the house. Also bigger pants.


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