London duo Smoke Fairies are in a boxy cadillac, burning through delta-blues cassettes, headed for a 'Thelma & Louise'-style fiery demise. Well, maybe not ... but that’s what their single “The Three of Us” sounds like.

A repetitive riff acts as the song’s motor, propelling it forward with steam worthy of a John Parish tune. It definitely sounds American -- but these days, the Brits do the blues a lot better than we do.

“‘The Three of Us’ is a celebration of life and friendship,” singer Jessica Blamie tells “No one knows when will be the last ever time they will part or how friendships and relationships will fare with time, but it’s about valuing the experience of knowing and sharing something with someone.”

In this situation, you’re in the backseat, taking in the blasting car stereo while the heat of the highway blows through your hair. There’s nothing to hold on to but the beat, so saddle up, Keanu ... we’re gonna jump.

Smoke Fairies' new album 'Blood Speaks' is out now via their own Year Seven Records.

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