There's a petition going around trying to get Wyoming to legalize marijuana (click here to see it). Obviously, this is a hot topic...but it should be noted that this is not the first - nor the last - time that someone has tried start a petition on this subject in our state.

This post could easily turn into a rant for or against the legalization of pot. Instead of giving you my opinion, I'll give you a couple reasons why I don't think it will happen in the foreseeable future:

1.) Wyoming is an extremely conservative state.

There are less people who live in the entire state of Wyoming than most cities in the country. People move here because they like to be left alone, and not worry about crime. These people will try to tell you how marijuana is a gateway drug, and all pot-heads are criminals. Just an observation.

2.) They'll wait to see what happens in Colorado.

Don't be fooled - most states are watching how Colorado handles their business. If things go well, we'll see a handful of states push for legalization. Odds are, Wyoming won't be one of them.

With those excuses out of the way, it was very interesting reading your responses. While the majority of responses are pro-weed - and many seem to have done their homework - the people who said "No" are the ones who sound the most childish in their reasoning. And most of the nay-sayers seem to be higher in age. Interesting.

Again, I'm trying to be neutral in this debate. So, before my personal opinion really starts to show, I'll leave the answers up to you. Check out the responses below, then tell us your opinion in the comment section below...

Ok, I'll admit it...I think it should be legal.

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 6/20/13
Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 6/20/13

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