Seth D. Wright, born and raised in Gillette, WY has Been playing his guitar for around 17 years. However has only been writing, and performing his music for a short time! I first heard of Seth through some friends up in gillette, where he has been playing local coffee houses, and putting together his Podcasts, and comedy characters for all to enjoy. Tales From the Attic , His comedy based Podcast is a weekly deal that he has been doing for quit a while. Drawing Inspiration from life, and of course boredom as a night clerk in a local hotel! I truely enjoyed my chat with Seth Wright, as well as I enjoyed his special blend of acoustic guitar and semi metal vocals..... Doing songs on everything from a bad acid trip, to an Incident of Strange medical conditions! When he is not doing any of these awesome thing with himself he says he likes to spend his time in Game land.... video game land that is. So please sit back and enjoy a candid chat, and a few tunes with my new friend, Seth Wright!


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