My youngest is learning how to drive a manual transmission. He just bought an old Chevy for his first vehicle, and he has about 10 months left before he can take his drivers test. While we occasionally hit the main roads before 7am on weekends (when there's little or no traffic), I'm trying to find some places that will give him a chance to learn the little nuances of stick shift, without the possibility of plowing into another car. Yesterday I asked for your advice, and I got some great responses:

Learn To Drive

Hat Six road, Casper Mountain/Garden Creek road, Eastridge Mall parking lot...these are few places that were voted for in the poll I took yesterday. I will admit that we've been up to the Casper Events Center and Amoco road, and those seem to have everything we need...stop signs, hills, plenty of room to speed up and shift through all the gears. Have a special place that you think is perfect? Tell us about it in the comment section. And watch out for my boy - seeing him in front of you could cause damage to your bumper!

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