Remember When Wyoming’s Ned LeDoux Shared The Stage With Garth?
There's no doubt Garth Brooks was a huge fan of Chris LeDoux. Garth mentioned Chris in songs, sang songs with Chris, took the song 'Good Ride Cowboy' (about Chris) to number one and was present last summer when Cheyenne Frontier Days dedicated the new statue of Chris.
Some folks say Garth isn't as nice and kind as he seems, but that really isn't true. He's as genuine as they come. Every time I've met him or talk with him, he's exactly what you hope for. Every city he's in to perform, he always does some sort of work in the community, he's very charitable and remembers where he come from.
You can definitely tell how genuine he is, when he was presented a replica of the "Good Ride Cowboy" statue on stage.
One year ago, during his performance at the 125th Cheyenne Frontier Days, Garth performed to get the event kicked off. Earlier in the day he was present to help reveal the statue in front of CFD. Not only was was it special for that reason, but it was also the 25 year anniversary of Garth and Chris performing together on stage.
Garth and Chris were friends right up until the end and to commemorate that special friendship and the 25 years, he had Ned LeDoux perform "Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy" with him.
The performance is fantastic and the presentation of the statue seems to have taken Garth by surprise. Check out the video and relive that moment.
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