Ok, we've all been there. You're sitting at your desk, and all of the sudden you hear that embarrassing rumbling in your gut. Your first instinct is to figure out an excuse to make a trip home. What do you say? 'My mother just called, she said my house is on fire. I need to go home and put it out. I'll be back in 15 minutes.' No.

No more!

I have found the perfect tutorial on how to comfortably, and respectfully, take a dump at work.


I have a very personal reason for posting this video, because here in my office, NO ONE has a problem with pooping at work. And thus, more problems for me were born. I have no windows around my desk, and none close to the bathrooms. Therefore, all the stinky poopy smells meld together, and taunt me all day long. There is not enough air freshener in the world to restore the air back to breathable quality.

So, I would like to dedicate this video to all of my co-workers. Please watch, and take notes. And for all you other shy crappers out there, stop worrying! These are very efficient techniques, so you can stop putting your stomach (and possibly your undies) in turmoil when you are at work.

*SIDENOTE: If you must use air freshener, the scent is crucial. Do NOT use 'baby powder' scented spray. This, in conjunction with the smell of your waste, ends up just smelling like a dirty baby diaper. Choose wisely.

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