This place may be one to a great idea that others might consider doing the same.

This comes from Greenville House of Pizza in Greenville, New Hampshire, and they want to do whatever they can to make their students of this small town succeed. They offer high school students a free slice of pizza for every A on their report card. They'll give you a free large pizza and 2 liter for straight A's.

If you need a place to study, no problem. You can study in the comfort of this dining establishment with a great discount. Only 35 cents a slice. Do a great job on your assignment, they'll get you a free root beer float. Management will even help you study if they can.

Even if you're already out of school, if you can recite the Gettyburg Address, you'll get a free large pizza.

What do you think? Do you think we could use more places like this on our town that award you free stuff for doing your homework and getting good grades, or should you want to get good grades without requiring an award? Let me know in the comments.

via Reddit

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