Ever thought to yourself: Man I really want a prostitute right now, but all I have is a gift card! Well now you can! That's right, hookers in Pittsburg will now accept cash, check AND GIFT CARDS! LOL This is a real story! More about how you can cash your all you can eat soup, salad, and bread sticks for all you can...Ummm, you get it.

According to police in the Pittsburg-Area, prostitutes are now accepting gift cards:

The prostitutes are using the gift cards to try to avoid having their illegal wages seized when they're arrested. The Justice Department issued a warning years ago that gift cards are an ideal device to launder money with little chance of discovery or seizure by police, the newspaper said.

Genius idea! Here's how they do it:

The gift cards in question are not issued by stores or restaurants but are generally what are known as "stored-value" cards issued by credit companies like Visa, and can be replenished with cash, said McCarthy, whose township borders the airport and contains many hotels and businesses frequented by travelers.

Oh if you'd like to purchase a gift card, here's Home Depot's. Now enjoy this video on how NOT to get a hooker.

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