PHOTOS: Synchronized Video Projections for Mills ‘Halloween House’ Beginning Friday
It's getting closer and closer. The Halloween season is almost upon us and, with that, will come more and more houses decorated for the occasion.

We've already covered one family who put up their Halloween decorations in early September but, now, we've discovered a Mills woman who is going all out for the season, complete with a variety of decorations and video projections, complete with radio synchronization.
"I have been decorating for the last 8 years," Tina Prill told K2 Radio News. "My house is known as the Halloween and Christmas house in the neighborhood. I love the reaction I get from the kids and also the adults. I try and do something new every year. This year it's whole house projection. I will also be doing it for Christmas as well."
Prill absolutely embodies the spirit of the season, as does her house. Its got skeletons, ghosts, goblins, witches, werewolves, and more. But it's the projection/music synchronization that she's most excited about.
"My favorite this year is definitely the projector shows," Prill said. "I believe it's the only one in town. I've always enjoyed decorating, but it really started getting bigger 8 years ago when I bought this house. I love living here and like bringing people together with what I do. I have had nothing but positive comments from the community. Everyone seems to love it. I will continue doing this as long as I'm able. If I can make people laugh and smile then it makes it all worth it."
And that seems to be the running theme from those we've talked to. They put up these decorations for themselves, sure. But, really, they do it for the community; as a way to bring their neighbors together and just bond over the absolute brilliance of the Halloween season.
It's not just an opportunity to show off; it's a chance to connect with the community, a chance to make memories for little neighborhood kiddos, a chance to experience all of the best things that this holiday has to offer.
That's what Tina Prill is doing, and she'll be doing it all month.
People are encouraged to stop by Tina's house, located at 957 Discovery St., in Mills. Prill said there will be four different video presentations, all set to music that you can access by tuning your car radio to 88.9 FM.
This Halloween will certainly be a happy one, due in large part to Prill and the people like her. Previews of this one-of-a-kind Halloween House can be seen below:
Halloween House in Mills
Casper Family Decorates for Halloween in September
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