With flu season fast approaching now is the time to start considering a flu shot, however actually getting the vaccine, you may want to hold off for a few weeks.

Dr. Mark Dowell, infectious diseases physician and Natrona County Health Officer, says that the best time to get a flu shot is probably the beginning of October.

"Some years in Wyoming, the influenza season doesn't get started until February or March," says Dr. Dowell.  "Depending on the person, sometimes the flu shot protection can wear off before then, if you get your shot too early.  So we want the biggest bang for the buck.  That's why we encourage the month of October as our major flu shot time."

Casper Natrona County Health Department will be holding a flu-shot clinic at the Casper Senior Citizens Center at 1831 E 4th St, in Casper, 2:45-6:00pm on October 14th.

Beth Eveland Director of Nursing Services at the Health Department says that the cost for the flu shot, through them is $20.

"We prefer cash," says Eveland.  "We will take checks.  If a person is on medicare, we can bill that. For those folks, age 65 and older."

Director Eveland goes on to say that several other clinics and pharmacies will be selling flu shots as well.

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