I decided that instead of taking a bunch of my time today to come up with something witty, funny, and or even informative, I would let some one else do it for me Jenna Marbles. Jenna Marbles (Jenna Mourey), has been delighting girls and boys for a while now. So when I went looking for something to entertain you all I knew she would have it. Originally from upstate New York, Jenna has had extensive schooling, and has obtained some nice degrees. That however is not what makes her special..... Duh! She started making YouTube videos and well the rest is history. Not only has she amassed a huge collection of very entertaining video blogs, Jenna also has done music videos, and more! She has her own website as well that I highly recommend you take a peek at. So with out further adieu here is Jenna's take on one of my favorite subjects, what girls think about during sex!


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