If you weren't at the Hinder show at The Venue with us last month, you missed a fun night.   You also missed a kick-ass up & coming band from Oklahoma, Nine Left Dead.  These guys are headed for big things, and put on a great show.  We just heard from Kreg Anthony, their guitarist who made us aware of a pretty harrowing experience they had on the way to us that we weren't aware of.

Kreg says:

"Just wanted to say thank you for the write up and the great photography of us on your page.  It really means a lot to us, because we flipped our trailer and almost our van when we were heading to Casper from our show in Lewiston, Idaho.  As we sat on the highway just outside Missoula, Montana contemplating cancelling the Casper show, we all came to the conclusion that we were that close to dying - and the fact we didn't, meant to us that nothing would stand in our way of getting there!  The fact we were alive to see everyone's faces in Casper made that show one of the best on the entire tour.  That being our first tour, we will always have a place in our heart for Casper, Wyoming!  We are about to embark on tour number two and hoping for a safe journey this time!  It's been tough being the new guys out there but the blood, sweat and tears never tasted so sweet!  Again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!"

Great bunch of guys - and the live show is great.  If you haven't checked 'em out, visit their official site - and check out killer new music below called "Put Your Guns Down".   What do you think of the track?

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