Bringing out the real-life killer in a hardcore horror movie fanatic is a simple practice -- all you have to do is remake an iconic horror film, and suddenly giant men in Jason masks are chasing you with machetes in hand. Remaking a classic horror film is often a practice more evil and psychotic than the genre's most bloodthirsty villains, but the modern adaptation of 'Evil Dead' is said to have broken the tragic cycle of creative failure. In that spirit, several metal musicians recently came together to offer their thoughts on the original 'Evil Dead' films, along with the 2013 re-imagining.

The gore-mongers of Bloody Disgusting have always shown their support for metal music, and the website recently invited a mass of respected musicians to transfer their 'Evil Dead' opinions into text.

“I was a massive fan of the original movie!" raves Napalm Death bassist Shane Embury. "Being English, I saw it on video as a kid, since it was tough to see those films in the UK at the time since the UK had a banned list of horror movies. I went to my friend’s house to watch it since they were the only ones with a VCR -- it blew my mind and scared me sh--less!! Musically, it influenced my interest in all things extreme since the movie itself was the most extreme movie I had seen at the time.”

“I remember the first time I saw 'Evil Dead,'" recalls Black Dahlia Murder vocalist Trevor Strnad, "It was at my friend's birthday party in 7th grade. It was recommended by the same older sister that had gotten us all into punk and heavy metal music … so we knew we were in for the real deal. The movie scared the unholy 13-year-old s--- out of us … we were terrified. I remember the possessions really effecting me … the way the people would contort and writhe was disturbing. The possessed had that awful way that they sounded when they spoke and howled … pretty insane as well. The vine rape scene was intense … I love the idea of the forest coming alive … so much so that I wrote a song about it many years later."

“Massively looking forward to the new film," says Paradise Lost's Nick Holmes. "The older crowd will compare it to the first film no matter what, and younger generations tend to be desensitized by gore, so I hope the movie isn’t 'just' a bloodbath and has truly spine-chilling moments.”

Head on over to Bloody Disgusting to read more musician testimonials on 'Evil Dead,' and check out the remake produced by original 'Evil Dead' director Sam Raimi and star Bruce Campbell when the film hits screens on April 5.

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