Rectum Nearly Killed Em! Let's jump right in. According to The Smoking Gun:

A man arrested this week in North Carolina may have stashed a .38 barrel revolver in his rectum, according to police, who reported that the unloaded 10-inch weapon was not discovered until after the suspect had been booked into a cell in the county jail.

YUCK! Check out the ten inch revolver in questions and the dudes mug shot HERE. Thank goodness it wasn't loaded!

Sheriff’s investigators say they are investigating how Ward got the weapon into the jail, since he had been “strip searched prior to being booked into a cell block.” The inmate, a press release notes, was taken today to a local hospital “for possible injuries that may have occurred to Ward’s rectum where it is believed Ward may have concealed” the revolver.

WOW! I don't know about you, but I feel way smarter now.

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