Lamb of God singer Randy Blythe may be free soon if his Czech attorney is to be believed. reports that Martin Radvan says that Blythe’s bail has been collected and he should be out of jail any day.

Radvan explains, “We are now waiting for his release because the band has already collected the additional 200,000 dollars, and only due to long travel time between the Prague Municipal Court and the court for Prague 8, we are still waiting. Otherwise, he should have already been released.”

Blythe has been held in the Czech Republic for his alleged role in an incident where a fan died from an undetected injury allegedly suffered when he was ejected from the stage at a Lamb of God show. Though he initially paid his bail, he remained detained. While the judge ruled that the prosecution could not deny bail to the singer, he did allow it to be raised one further time.

Radvan says the he expects that after the release, Blythe will be allowed to travel home, but he will be ordered to come back for the future investigation or the trial. The attorney also said his client wants to return to get the matter taken care of, and is not a risk to flee.

“As a world-renowned artist, in a specific genre of music of course, he cannot afford to simply disappear. This is a wrong assumption by the Czech police and the Prague municipal prosecutor who still believe there is a possibility he will disappear and never show up again,” says Radvan. “But there would be posters with his picture all around the world, and if he wants to continue performing, he will have to return. And he wants to return because he believes he is not guilty of anything he has been charged with.”

As for the lack of notification that there was an issue, Radvan explained that the alleged victim Daniel N.’s father spoke to the police who launched an investigation. He added that they approached the U.S. Department of Justice, who refused to follow up, and in doing so, never notified anyone from the band, so they were not aware when they made the trip to perform that Blythe’s jailing was a possibility.

The attorney stated that Blythe has been treated well while behind bars, and adds, “Randy Blythe is an intelligent man, he writes songs and now in jail, he has started writing a book. As regards his Mongolian ‘neighbor,’ Mr. Blythe is not really learning Mongolian from him all the time; we just bought the guy a book of Sudoku so that Randy has a little more time to do things he wants to do.”

Listen to Audio of Randy Blythe’s Attorney Speaking About His Case

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