More details are available about "Joe Dirt: The Sequal". The movie is being produced by Sony's Digital arm, Crackle, but David Spade gives a lot of the credit to Walmart.

What makes this movie different than any other, is that it will be a full length movie made for the internet to be released online streaming. It's the first digital released sequel to a hit motion picture.

Spade first started talking about a sequel back in 2006, but because the movie barely broke $25 Million it never came about. However, citing how DVD sales of "Joe Dirt" at Walmart stores have always been steady. Spade knew that "Joe" would make a return someday. In 2010 Spade teamed up with Adam Sandler's production company and sold a "Joe Dirt animation show" to TBS, but it never made it to T.V..

The movie will pick up where the last one left off, and word is that the cast from the first movie make a return.


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