Dear Casper Walmart: We’re Ready for You to Be Open 24 Hours Again
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us all to adjust nearly every aspect of our day to day lives. But now that things are "seemingly" back to normal, there is one thing that I'm ready to see go back to the way it was... so I wrote this letter.
Dear Walmart,
Can you please go back to being open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week?
Let me be forthcoming, this is just me begging, hoping, pleading and just putting it out to the universe. Since the coronavirus changed everything, I've had to adjust my buying habits by doubling up quantities of certain products, like toilet paper, soda (pop?), juice, milk, eggs and bottled water, or things that I like to call "my essentials".
Before, if I ran out of one of those items, I would just hop in the Jeep and make the short, three blocks trek to the nearest Walmart, which in my case, was the east side location. If it was late enough (like after 2:00 am), I'll admit, I was one of those crazy-looking people in pajamas and flipflops, but I didn't care, because it was a quick, in and out trip. Plus, even if in my haste, I forgot my wallet, money and/or debit/credit card, I never forgot my phone, so I could just use the good ole Walmart Pay.
Although this hurts to admit, but I am very frugal (see also: cheap), so yes, while most of my essentials can still be purchased at the closest 24-hour gas station, the mark-up is unbelievable!
Next, I don't plan ahead most of my dinner meals in advance. Usually I see a Tasty video on Facebook or one of my favorite Instagram chefs posts something yummy and I decide to make. I will also admit, I sometimes forget ingredients, and I cook late on occasion, so being able to grab mushrooms at midnight or cilantro at 11:00 pm, was convenient.
In closing, Walmart, this is your fault. I blame you. For the last 20+ years, I was able to visit you whenever I wanted or needed to, and now you have taken that away from me. You spoiled me for decades and now you're leaving me hanging out to dry.
A loyal customer
*In case you reading this and saw some of the same old social media posts trending again saying Walmart is planning on being open 24-hours in August, don't get your hopes up. I did my research, and alas this is not in the cards. According to a fact-checking report by USAToday, Walmart has no plans of returning to those hours again anytime in the near future. Another website, BestStocks.com also confirmed this information in a more recent article that was published January 12th, 2023.*