If it’s published online, it must be true, right?

According to one unconfirmed eyewitness account posted to Ghosts of America, a “racist ghost” haunts the tiny town of Yoder, Wyoming.

The story, which was submitted by an anonymous author, claims there is a ghost in the “old meat packing plant” next to the post office.  The post did not elaborate on the nature of the ghost’s racist behavior.

To date, it’s the only published account of a racist ghost in the area. However, nearby Fort Laramie has long been considered one of the most haunted places in Wyoming.

One of Wyoming’s most popular ghost stories involves a Confederate civil war officer who, reportedly, haunts Room 35 at the Irma Hotel in Cody.

There have also been several online forums devoted to the topic of racism by ghosts, many of whom are believed to be former civil war soldiers from the south.


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