We all have skeletons in our closets. While it may be easy to hide them while we're alive, eventually, the reaper will come knockin'...and your family and friends will find out more about you than you would care for them to.

That secret stash of elephant porn you have tucked away in your closet? Guaranteed to make your mom cry. The drawer full of "marital aides"? Yeah, your kids now know how freaky you are. The midget in a gimp suit that lives in your dresser? Well, that's just weird. Your best bet is to have a deal with your best friend that allows them early entry into your pad in order to make some stuff disappear...

Some questions I ask shouldn't be answered truthfully. Today' QOD is one of those. Kudos to everyone that played along...

What about you? Do you have some items that will ruin your legacy? Hide them well, then read through the answers below...and if you're not afraid, answer for yourself in the comment section.

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 10/15/12
Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 10/15/12


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