While I've always loved history, I've never really wanted to go into the past. Not because it wouldn't be cool to see certain events happen, but mainly because of the lack of indoor plumbing. A bear may crap in the woods, but this guy sure doesn't.

But, if I had to choose one era to make my home in, I would like to go to a time when exploration was at an all-time high. Just the thought of discovering something no human has ever seen before is exciting. Plus, you could claim almost any chunk of land in the Americas, and it would be yours!

What time in history would you want to live in? I've noticed a lot of people chose some time in the 20th century, whether it be the 20's, 50's, or 60's...do you agree? Take a look at all of the answers below, then feel free to give us your own favorite historical era in the comment section

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 8/17/12

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