I Bagged Me a Thunderbird – Spring Turkey Hunting
Spring turkey hunting is right up there with one of my all time favorite things. Right next to hunting elk in September. Turkey hunting is very challenging. They are not dumb birds. Bagging a bird may not be as easy as it looks.
I have spent the last few weeks in search of a gobbler. The birds have been few and far between. Hunting mostly public land, today I figured it wouldn’t hurt to go “knock on doors” and ask permission to hunt private land. I am grateful that a few landowners said “Yes.” After spotting 3 TOMs in a flock of hens, I knew that I was going to get some interaction. With only a few clucks and purrs on the turkey call, I had the birds on a sprint towards our decoys.
The first Tom didn’t quite know what to think, as he cautiously walked near our decoys. But when he realized his buddies were following close behind him, they did not hesitate to head towards the “kill zone.” Hunting with my 4 year old son made this trip even more special, as he was sitting on my lap the entire time. The only issue we had, was when he saw me take the shotgun off of safe and knew I was going to shoot. Frightened by the loud “boom,” my son was trying to stall me from shooting until he was ready. But, his talking was about to spook the birds. I did what I had to do, and took the first Tom that presented a shot. SUCCESS!
There is still time to get out and bag your bird. Enjoy spring in the great outdoors, and maybe a wild turkey sandwich. If your lucky.