Love. It can make us do some strange things. It can also instill some wondrous feelings that lift you higher than a pothead at a Phish concert. How do you know when you're in love? The answer just know. We all experience it differently, and we all look for something different in our potential mates. Some people base love on looks, which can turn ugly if that's all the person has going for them. Some people look for someone that will complete them. One dude knew he was in love when his lady started pulling the guts out of a dead animal.

Ah, love...

Personally, I've been lucky enough to be in love for the past 17 + years, and every day I thank the maker that I found a woman who is not only the most beautiful, caring woman alive, but who also puts up with my crap. Trust me, that's asking a lot.

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Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 4/16/12

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