St. Mark's is going to open its doors at 6pm this evening as an emergency shelter for those who are cold and/or homeless. This will be an all-night venture where we will feed, bed and companion anyone who needs warm shelter. Here are the teams we need to spearhead the effort:

FOOD COLLECTION: Someone who will oversee collecting food, coffee, cookies from people who are willing to donate. Start with Smith's Grocery.

FOOD PREP: We have a large commercial kitchen for making vast quantities of soup. I need a head chef and helpers who.

TRANSPORTATION: A van to travel around town and look for people who need help and give them the info about where help is available AND transport them to the church.

BEDDING: Collect blankets, jackets and gloves. Call the Red Cross to get cots. Help organize that at the church as the night goes on.

MEDIA: Work with local media and social media to get out the word. Also, law enforcement dispatch will help us too.

OVERNIGHT PARTNERS: People who will stay at the church all night to keep our guests company. I would be happy to have caring community members also come, eat soup and be part of the scene.

The parish hall is occupied until 5:30 and we can take it over then. We have internet access there and can keep the wires burning as much as needed.

If you can help in any way, please call Pamela ASAP!



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