I spent this last weekend in my little studio downtown working with a great local band the Unpaid Butlers. They have a real unique vibe, as they are a heavy hitting rock band sans guitar player (I didn't even know that could be done). Any minute I spend making the dreams of upstart rock bands come to some sort of fruition is a minute well spent in my book, rocking and rolling and loving it.

My assistant engineer snapped a couple candid shots from the sessions and I thought I would send them your way.

Jake and Brandon
Bella Martinez

This is the bassist Jake and I listening to a quick playback. I assume we were recording tambourines or some such nonsense.

Bella Martinez
Bella Martinez

That's the vocalist Morgan Arcane. And since he's talking into the Sure 55, you know he is saying something one part creepy, one part disgusting.

Bella Martinez
Bella Martinez

Jesse in the big room, most definitely laying down the tambourine. Which sounded awesome in the mix by the way... Oh yeah, that's totally an accordion on the floor there too.

Bella Martinez
Bella Martinez

And if you have ever spent any amount of time in studio, you know this is pretty much how you spend most of your day...


The Unpaid Butlers EP sounds great so far, I will give you a listen on Locals Only when we get it mixed and mastered and fit for human consumption.



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