Chronic Wasting Disease Spreads to New Wyoming Deer Hunt Area
A disease that's fatal for deer, moose and elk has made its way to another Wyoming hunt area.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department recently confirmed chronic wasting disease in deer hunt area 152, approximately 12 miles west of Bondurant on Willow Creek. The mule deer buck that tested positive was killed by hunters.
This is the first time the disease has been found in Area 152. The affected deer was part of the Sublette mule deer herd.
CWD had previously been detected in a nearby hunt area.
Fortunately, the game and fish said, CWD has not been found in elk wintering on Wyoming's 22 feed grounds near the National Elk Refuge.
Chronic wasting disease is a fatal neurological illness that affects deer, elk and moose, according to the game and fish.
Officials say when the disease is found on elk feed grounds, wildlife managers will be faced with "some difficult decisions."
Hunters are reminded that they play a significant role in helping to monitor the disease. If you see a deer, elk or moose that appears to be sick or not acting in a normal manner, please contact your local game warden, wildlife biologist or Game and Fish office immediately.