Casper Police Donating Unclaimed Bicycles to Community Children
Every kid deserves a bicycle. Every kid deserves the feeling of freedom, the feeling of flying when riding a bike down a steep hill. Every kid deserve to be able to pretend that they're Batman, or Ghost Rider or, at the very least, their weird uncle that goes to Sturgis every year and always brings back a present.

Having a bicycle is a pivotal moment in every kid's life. The Casper Police Department knows this, which is why they are donating unclaimed bicycles back to the community.
Per a press release from the CPD, lost, stolen, or seized bicycle often times are recovered by the Casper Police Department. While the Department does everything in their power to reunite these faithful steeds with their rightful owners, sometimes it just doesn't happen. Maybe the bikes were stolen and parents bought their child a new one. Maybe a child just outgrew their bike, leaving it by the side of the road as they walk forward into perceived adulthood. Maybe freaking Francis took it because he always had everything he ever wanted except for that bicycle, so he stole it, requiring the owner to take a cross country trip to the Alamo because he heard it was in the basement.
Whatever the reason, if Casper Police are unable to reunite the owners with their bikes, they can request legal ownership and then donate the bikes back to the community.
That's what is happening this year, and the CPD stated that they have approximately 90 bikes available for donation.
Per the press release, the current application period opens today and will last until November 4, 2022. A CPD committee will review the applications and select the organizations that will receive the bicycles, near the beginning of November. Individuals or businesses chosen to receive the bicycles will be notified via phone or email on November 8 and 9.
To be clear, the bikes will be donated 'as is,' and may require some maintenance.
Also, to be clearer, the Casper Police are not pulling a 'Francis-From-Pee Wee's Big Adventure.' When bicycles are logged into evidence at the CPD, property and evidence technicians cross-reference them against bikes that have been reported stolen in the area. If there is a match, CPD will reunite the bikes with their owners. If there has not been a report filed for the bike, or no serial number is available, it becomes difficult to find the bike's rightful owner. After so long, the department is able to request legal ownership and then has the ability to sell or donate the property.
CPD always chooses to donate.
In fact, over the years, CPD has donated bikes to a variety of local organizations, such as the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Wyoming, the Wyoming Department of Family Services, Child Protective Services, the Casper Housing Authority, Christmas in Wyoming, Natrona County High School, and many more.
Bicycles are not meant to be sitting in a dark, damp basement or a police evidence locker. They're meant to be ridden. They are meant to serve as vehicles driving us to the depths of our imagination. They're a horse or a motorcycle or the Batmobile. They're a protector and a deliverer. For some kids, they're not just bikes; they're actual friends. And every kid deserves one.
There's a certain kind of magic that exists between a boy and his bike. Or a girl and her bike. CPD knows this, and they want to keep that magic alive. Because sometimes, just sometimes, magic is all we have.
Hiyo Silver, away.