Casper Couple Accused of Smoking Meth in Apartment With Sleeping Children
A man and woman face felony charges for allegedly smoking methamphetamine in their apartment while three children slept.
Teddy J. Johansen, 41, and his wife April Johansen, were each with charged three counts of child endangerment by methamphetamine at their initial appearances Monday in Natrona County Circuit Court.
Each count carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment and a fine of $5,000, meaning each of the Johansens could spend up to 15 years in prison.
Charging papers say a Casper police officer was sent to an address on West 12th Street shortly after 10 p.m. on June 29 for a report of a woman with two children reported to be running from her husband.
The officer arrived to find April Johansen sitting on the sidewalk, crying. Johansen reportedly said she had been in an argument with her husband -- Teddy Johansen -- and wanted to get away from him.
April Johansen reportedly said her husband was upset because he believed she was cheating on him. She claimed Teddy Johansen got upset and pushed her to the floor. She then got up and threw a plate across the apartment, which Teddy Johansen dodged. April Johansen then grabbed two children, ran out of the house and called her mother.
The officer notes in his affidavit that April Johansen had sores all over her body, was moving erratically and continually picked at her skin. When asked, April Johansen allegedly admitted the sores were a result of her and her husband smoking methamphetamine.
April Johansen allegedly told the officer that she and her husband had last smoked at about 1 a.m. that day, but there was no longer any meth in the apartment because she had asked her husband to get rid of it, which he did.
She also reportedly said she and her husband only smoked meth when the children were asleep, in either the bedroom or the bathroom where she believed the vent would suck the smoke out of the home. April Johansen, according to the affidavit, told the officer that one child was still in the apartment, and all the children were present during the argument with her husband.
The officer spoke with Teddy Johansen, who said he was in a heated argument with his wife and she "just wanted him to lose the kids," according to court documents. He also said April Johansen cut her hand when she threw the plate at him.
Teddy Johansen added that he was trying to leave the apartment, but his wife was standing in his way. He grabbed her by the shoulders and, he said, tried to move her, after which Johansen fell to the floor. Teddy Johansen initially said he hadn't used meth for about two years, but later allegedly admitted to smoking meth with his wife at 1 a.m. that day.
According to the affidavit, Teddy Johansen also said the children were asleep every time he and his wife smoked meth in the apartment, which they usually did in the bathroom.
The Johansen's reportedly gave permission for police to search their apartment, but said there were no drugs or paraphernalia to be found.
An officer followed April Johansen to the apartment. As she unlocked the door, the officer reportedly smelled rotten food coming from the apartment as he stood some 10 feet away.
The apartment, police say, was filthy, "covered in dirty clothes, trash, rotten food, and miscellaneous items." The officer said he could barely stand in the apartment because of the smell.
Cockroaches were were all over the apartment, and the officer saw blood on several cabinets from April Johansen's finger, which she cut while throwing the plate.
Open cans of rotten food were scattered throughout the apartment, and the officer found the shower to be inaccessible due to the amount of trash and dirty clothes in the bathroom.
The officer took photographs of the apartment, then began a search of the home. He did not find any drugs or drug paraphernalia.
April Johansen reportedly said she and her husband had used all the meth they had early that morning. She said whenever her husband couldn't "score" any meth, he would over-use a prescription medication, which April Johansen reportedly described as "legal meth."
Teddy Johansen allegedly told the officer he had destroyed the meth pipe earlier that day. He denied ever abusing his prescribed medication.
An agent of the Wyoming Department of Family Services arrived on scene, and the Johansens each provided a urine sample. Both tested positive for methamphetamine.
Three children, who were as young as 9 and as old as 13, were taken into protective custody and then placed with their grandmother.
April Johansen's bond was set at $7,500 cash or surety, and Teddy Johansen's bond was set at $10,000 cash or surety. They were both ordered to have no contact with the children except as allowed by the Department of Family Services.
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