This gives new meaning to the term “drunk dial.”

Next time you’re at a party or a bar and aren’t drunk enough to not give a crap about the caloric content or ingredients in what you’re about to consume and responsibly decide to be discerning about what you are pouring down your gullet, we’ve got good news. Send a text to BeerText and they’ll tell you everything you need to know about the liquid inside the bottle in your hand.

The service is the brainchild of the Syracuse Student Sandbox, which is the playground of young entrepreneurs.

All you have to do is send a text to (315) 679-4711, including the name of the beer as it appears on the label. If the brew is in the database, BeerText will spit back a wealth of information about your beverage. You should receive a reply text within a minute, detailing the flavor, alcohol content and more. Standard text messaging rates apply.

It’s better than drunk texting your ex, right?

“Hey honey, what beer am I drinking?”

“GO TO HELL *&*@*$!”

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