Avenged Sevenfold ’90 Percent’ Done With Album That’s ‘Unlike Anything’ They’ve Released
Avenged Sevenfold fans know the band's been hard at work on a new studio album, the follow-up to 2016's The Stage, for the last several years. Now, via A7X drummer Brooks Wackerman, the California metal act has revealed they're "90 percent" done with the record, and they said it's unlike anything they've released in the past. How's that for a new album tease?
This is what listeners learned in a pair of social media updates from Wackerman and Avenged Sevenfold lead vocalist M. Shadows on Wednesday (Feb. 9). Each shared photos from one of the album's final sessions the day prior, as they recorded a large orchestra.
See the images down toward the bottom of this post.
"Well, this happened on Tuesday," Wackerman said. "We, Avenged Sevenfold, started writing this record four years ago, and I can't believe we are 90% done."
He continued, "One of the perks in the creative process is that we are able to track a 78-piece orchestra on our records. The fact that we are able to bring incredible musicians together to enhance our art still gives me chills. I can't wait for the world to hear this. All I can say is it's unlike anything we've ever released."
Shadows shared more studio pics and added, "Twas worth the wait."
Though it's been a while between A7X albums, the current timeframe is true to what Avenged Sevenfold have promised. Last year, Shadows estimated the effort would be ready by summer 2022. (He also said Kanye West helped inspire the record.) Further, they decided not to release any music early on in the pandemic.
Last month, Avenged Sevenfold surprised a fan with a signed guitar. Last December was the 12th anniversary of the death of early A7X drummer Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. His 41st birthday would have been yesterday (Feb. 9).
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