Ah. election day. The day we go out and cancel out each others votes. Hey, at least we have that right. Many countries fight and die over something we take for granted... It's amazing watching the Facebook feed seeing how many different opinions there are...even from people who are supporting the same candidates. Let me pose this question to you; If we the people voted for every single law, would it matter who is serving in office? Would our nation be any different, or would it remain the same? Would people complain as much if they knew that every policy and amendment was given due diligence?

Probably, but that not today's question.

Today, I would like to know what you wish we could vote for. Would you be anti-MTV "Reality" shows? Would spandex wearers have a weight limit? Would the term "midget" no longer be taboo? Read through the answers below, then tell us what you would like to have a say in in the comment section

Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 11/06/12
Rock 96.7 Question Of The Day 11/06/12

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