There was a recent study done on the best U.S. states for beer lovers, and Wyoming ranks 3rd - only Montana (1st) and Wisconsin (2nd) have us beat. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I'll take a moment to down some suds while I ponder the results.

Who am I kidding...I was drinking while I read the article, and I haven't stopped yet.

According to the report from (which, apparently, is a site for investors), the only reason Wyoming doesn't top the list is because of our population:

Sparsely populated Wyoming places third on our list, primarily because it also has a high concentration of breweries per 100,000 people (4.3) and bars per 100,000 people (29.5), which ranked fifth and seventh overall, respectively. There are 20 Wyoming breweries listed on RateBeer (Bloomberg's list counts 25), of which Jackson Hole's Snake River Brewing claims to be the largest. Only a 15th-place finish on per-capita consumption held Wyoming back from taking the beer-loving crown. Drink more, Wyomingites, and you can be America's most beer-friendly state next year!

Go figure. They also go on to say that our low-tax situation makes Wyoming a great place to start up a company - and with only 20-25 breweries in the state, why not open up your own? You know how big the citizens of the equality state are on Wyoming made products (i.e. Wyoming Whiskey), and, at the very least, will buy a six-pack of your brew just because of it's origin. Just make sure you send some to me!

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