
Where Did The Term “Get Your Ducks In A Row” Originate? [Poll]
Where Did The Term “Get Your Ducks In A Row” Originate? [Poll]
Where Did The Term “Get Your Ducks In A Row” Originate? [Poll]
After overhearing (see also: ease-dropping) a conversation by a few of my co-workers, Tee-Roy, Rodeo Rick and Rich Denison, one of them used the phrase "get my ducks in a row". Me being the random person I am, I decided to embark on the history of the term.
Halloween’s Strange Origins — 5 Things You Might Not Know
Halloween’s Strange Origins — 5 Things You Might Not Know
Halloween’s Strange Origins — 5 Things You Might Not Know
These days Halloween is all Naughty This and Sexy That, but the roots of our spookiest holiday's traditions—from pumpkins to trick-or-treating—run deep, their origins reaching back thousands of years to pre-Christian pagan festivals and superstitions. These quirky bits of trivia about the history of Halloween should help you better appreciate all the ghouls and witches wandering about (and your ho