While you try to guess what these outstanding member's of society are on, doesn't it look like they're on a jail version of the Brady Bunch?

If you guessed weed?  You guessed correctly.  Word is an Arizona sheriff was going door-to-door campaigning when he knocked on the Stoner Bunch's door.  Here's why they got caught:

“He walked to the door holding a burning joint clipped to the end of a set of hemostats,” the sheriff said.

Note to self stoners reading this: BE PARANOID.  Close your curtains, hide your stash, and check to see if there's a cop at the door.  Honestly, if you don't know them, don't answer the door!

Here's the clincher:

Sheriff Brooks says Paulk thanked him for treating him so well and promised to show his support and vote for Sheriff Brooks in the upcoming election.

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